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5 Web Design User Experience Rules to Live By

Many marketers think about web design in terms of what they want potential customers to see. That perspective is important, but it’s equally important to consider what it is you want prospective clients to feel and do. That’s where user experience (or UX for short) comes into play.

UX is a huge topic in web design, and there have been a lot of books, videos, and even entire seminars devoted to the topic. Assuming you are a business owner or executive who just wants to improve online results, though, most of what you need to know can be boiled down to five simple rules…


#1 Audience Awareness Gives You a Big Web Design Advantage

Good UX, like good web design, is highly subjective. The way you would build a page for a group of executives might differ very much from the layout created for an audience of teens.

Knowing that, it’s important that you and your design team think very carefully about your target audience. In fact, you should be aware that there might be several audiences (including decision-makers, researchers, and influencers) who all have their own distinct needs and preferences. Then you can create pages and content that appeal to your specific prospects.


#2 Website Loading Speed is a Top Priority

One thing that is virtually universal about providing a pleasant online user experience is the need for webpages that load quickly. This is underscored by the fact that numerous surveys have shown that the average visitor will leave your page in just a few seconds if they don’t see what they’re looking for.

There are a lot of ways to speed up your website, including upgraded web hosting, more efficient website coding, and image optimization. If yours aren’t moving fast enough, you should take steps to correct the problem.


#3 Your Most Important Information Comes First

In the old days, newspaper editors knew that the lead story had to fall “above the fold” so people passing by could see the headlines and decide whether to make a purchase. The same principles apply to your business website.

Whatever is most important for visitors to know about your company should fall within the areas that will load immediately on a user’s screen – even (or especially) if they are using a mobile device. That’s not a lot of space, so you should use it wisely.


#4 More Clicking Means Less Engagement

There are a lot of different ways to organize information on a website, but you and your web design team should pay close attention to the “depth” of your content. That term refers to the number of clicks or layers a visitor has to navigate in order to find the information they want.

As a rule of thumb, the deeper a website is, the less engagement you’re going to have. You don’t necessarily want to put everything on one or two pages, but you also have to be careful that things like product details or event registrations aren’t difficult to locate.


#5 Visitors Should be Guided in the Right Direction

If you have a conversion goal you want to achieve, you should do everything you can to guide website visitors in the right direction. Make sure all of your pages and calls to action lead to a specific point.

This is good for your marketing efforts, of course, but it’s also good UX. When you funnel visitors in the right way, you show them what they can do to get more information and never leave them stranded.


Is It Time to Boost the Results from Your Business Website?

If you feel like your business hasn’t been making the most of trends like UX, mobile marketing, or custom web development, it’s time to start getting the personal advice you need. Talk to the creative minds at Kinetik IT in Phoenix today to see how we can help with web design, online marketing, technology management, and so much more!

Creating the Web-Based App Your Business Needs

More and more, clients are turning to us for web-based app creation. They are waking up to the fact that they can do more than ever with technology, particularly when it comes to automation and custom programming.

As big as the possibilities are within this realm, though, you might be wondering how you can narrow them down to solve the specific challenges you’re facing on a day-to-day basis. So, today we want to give you a quick guide to creating the web-based app your business needs now. In order to help you find the perfect concept, we would invite you to answer a handful of simple questions that can point you in the right direction…


What Do You Want to Accomplish or Automate?

You can use web apps for ecommerce, scheduling, logistics, resource management, and so much more. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination. For the moment, though, think about what it is you would actually like your website to do. What is the one task or function that would make the biggest difference in your business or organization?

When you can answer that, you have the basis for a very profitable web-based app.


Who Will Use Your App? How Will They Use it?

Getting to a core idea is great, but it’s only a first step. Next, you have to know who your base of users will be. Does your website need to be designed for customers, employees, or even associates and volunteers? Is it some combination of these groups?

Think carefully about who you need your web app to work for, and how they’ll interact with it. For instance, it’s one thing to build a web app that functions as a front-facing website (like Amazon), and another to build a native app that will live on a smart phone or tablet.


How Can You Streamline the User Interface?

In a best-case scenario, you’ll know your target audience and purpose so well that the visual and user experience aspects of your web app will take care of themselves. Still, it’s worth considering what you want your app to look and feel like.

We live in a digital world where aesthetics are a big deal. You don’t have to match Apple in terms of your attention to detail for fonts and colors, but you should strive to create a web app that is as sleek as it is powerful.


Is Your App Being Properly Tested?

We like all of our clients to remember that testing is a crucial part of web app development. Otherwise, your programming might not work the way it’s supposed to, or fail to function on certain devices and operating systems. In some cases, it could even create performance or online security issues.

Remember, this is all about designing the web app your business needs. Safety and stability are important parts of that equation.


When Will You Update Your Web App?

No website or app is ever really finished. Instead, they simply get to the point where they can be launched and then improved later. Keep that in mind and create a schedule for future feedback and additional updates.

You certainly don’t want your web app to become stale over time, or to stop working with newer forms of other software. That’s why you should be thinking about future releases before the first version ever goes live.


Learn More About Custom Web App Development

Want to learn more about custom web development, and how you can use small apps to realize huge savings or marketing gains in your business? Contact the programming team at Kinetik IT today. We’ll help you explore your ideas while showing you how we’ve become Arizona’s number one web app development resource.

Planning the Perfect Web Development Project

Web development is something of an interesting topic in business circles. To some owners and executives, it essentially amounts to website design. To others, and particularly those in the online marketing industry, development has more to do with functionality and user features than it does visuals and layouts.

These two areas of business website creation tend to overlap quite a bit, of course, but the point is that you probably want an online presence for your company that does more than show pictures of your team and products. In this day and age, you want pages and applications that give information, automate data collection, and perform lots of other features that help your bottom line.

The good news is that all of that is very possible. The bad news is that it won’t happen by accident. If you want a website that’s as versatile as a business tool as it is an online brochure, you’re going to have to plan ahead.

With that in mind, let’s look at a handful of key questions you should ask yourself when planning the perfect web development project…


What do You Want Your Website to do?

You can think of this question in a couple of ways. The first points at the specific features you’d like to have included on your site. Maybe you want to have real-time inventory and pricing data. Perhaps your customers can benefit from shipping information or currency calculators. It could be that a live customer chat feature would help you get more orders and decrease returns.

In a bigger picture sense, though, we would invite you to think about what it is you want your website to do for your business. How could it impact your bottom line by helping you to improve sales, increase your margins, or cut costs? Often, the goals you have for your company can help lead you to the right features to integrate on your pages.

Until you know what it is you want your website to actually accomplish, it’s difficult to create a plan that will meet your needs.


How Do You Want Your Website to Look?

This is the part of the process business owners and executives love. And, even though we are emphasizing the functionality and business power of a web presence, aesthetics are still important.

That’s because your website shouldn’t just “look good.” It should reflect your value and unique selling proposition by positioning you correctly against your colleagues and competitors. And, it should be designed in a way that grabs the attention of your most important prospects and customers. It should almost literally jump off the page and make them want to interact with your content.

Make no mistake: your website has to do a lot of things, but it also has to look like something buyers want to use. If it doesn’t, then all the features in the world aren’t going to help.


What Existing Apps Can Help You Meet Your Business Goals?

When it comes to web programming, not everything has to be built from the ground up. In fact, they’re so many apps and plug-ins out there that work alongside WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and every other major platform that you can often get by with little or no custom development.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that it’s easy to overload your website with extraneous plug-ins that add little to user experience while slowing down your website or adding security risks. Think of them like ornaments on a Christmas tree – you really stand out, but too many can tip the whole thing over on its side.

This is another area where a good development team can help you to not only find the right solutions, but to figure out what you really need on your website in the first place. They can help you find the fine line between giving visitors lots to use and keeping your website working quickly and cleanly.


Is Your Web Development Project Worth the Time and Expense?

Just like anything else in your business, there should be a cost and benefit analysis attached to website development. You might not want to pay for all the features you have in mind, and some ideas may turn out to be unprofitable in the long run.

In most cases, the biggest risk associated with spending money on web development is putting too little into a project. That might sound counter intuitive, but a truly innovative website sets you apart from your competitors. If you have functions and features they don’t, customers will come your way. But if you cut corners when having your site developed, it can come off as generic, glitchy, or hard to use. In that case, the money you’ve spent will have been wasted.

If you have a great idea for a web development project that can take your business to the next level, then commit the right resources to the job. Good programming costs less than you would imagine, and it almost always pays for itself in the long run.


What Plans Do You Have to Update Your Web Programming?

The golden rule of coming up with custom software – whether it’s going to be used on the web or locally through a computer or phone – is that you have to plan for future updates, patches, and new releases.

Obviously, doing a bit of planning with your project and hiring the right company is going to cut down on the revision work that is needed, and will stretch out the time between new versions. Eventually, though, your needs for your site will change. Or, web browsers and HTML standards will shift. Either way, you’ll have to release something new to keep up or watch your business fall behind.

The good news here is that updating a well-programmed website is hardly ever a big or expensive project, even if it contains custom code to run specific features. However, if you ignore this part of the process, you’ll have a hard time maintaining a positive ROI as your competitors catch up and then surpass you.


Web Development Made Easy

When most business owners and executives decide they “need a website,” they don’t have any of these issues on their minds. And even when they have thought about a website in terms of programming and functionality, it’s easy to lose track of important priorities when they are sorting through layouts, logos, and content.

That’s why it’s important to choose the right creative team if you want a website that has advanced features. The right firm will take the time to get to know your business, ask you about your needs, and even make suggestions that can help your company rather than creating a generic web presence for you as quickly and cheaply as possible.

If that sounds like the kind of service you want and expect, then maybe it’s time to talk to the experienced marketing and programming minds at Kinetik IT in Phoenix. Drawing on what we’ve learned building websites, software, and online marketing campaigns for dozens of organizations around Arizona, we can answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

Reach out today to schedule your free consultation!

What Should You Look for in a Software Programmer?

Do you know what to look for when you’re looking for a programmer to help with custom software creation? Most businesspeople don’t.

That’s only natural. Business owners and executives have no reason to be familiar with programming languages and design processes. They have to be focused on the bigger picture, which largely involves what they want from the finished product in terms of appearance and functionality. They can’t get those outcomes, though, until they have the right team in place.

The need to hire a programming team without having programming knowledge can lead to a bit of difficulty. How do you hire a team when it’s difficult to properly assess their qualifications? How can you be sure about who you’re going to if you aren’t entirely sure what separates one from another?

The first thing to know is that you absolutely can find the right software programming partner even if you've never written or seen a line of code in your life. All you need are the proper set of criteria to examine. Just like non-engineers can pick out great cars, our job is to look for the obvious signs of quality.

As veteran developers ourselves, today we are going to give you a quick peek behind the curtain. We are going to show you, in non-technical terms, exactly what to look for in a custom software programming vendor. It all starts with the one quality you would probably look for in any specialty…


Your Software Programming Partner Should Have Experience

The more you do anything, the better you get. With experience, it’s easier to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls, and to streamline your working process to come out with the right result.

Software programming is no exception to that rule, although a lot of startup firms and independent programmers would like you to ignore that fact. That’s because the least expensive and least experienced programmers want you to think that it’s all a matter of putting a few simple lines of code together. However, things are more complicated. Believe it or not, programming software takes vision and creativity along with a base of technical knowledge.

If you’re serious about creating a tool that helps you to market, automate, or better process information, then work with someone who understands the way a piece of software comes together. The experience level of your team matters, particularly if you have a complex project.


You Want a Programming Team with a Willingness to Listen

Although programming software isn’t as simple or straightforward as people tend to believe, in some ways it is the easier part of the job. That’s because the most valuable work happens when your vendor asks you what kind of program you want to create, and why certain features or ideas are important.

If your programmer isn’t listening carefully, they might miss the important details or jump to conclusions. That’s not a good idea, since programmers never know a client’s industry as well as the client does. The finer points of functionality, appearance, and usability all come into focus through a gradual question-and-answer period. That can sometimes take an hour, but it can last longer, too.

This is something a lot of business people wouldn’t necessarily consider to be important, but you don’t want a programmer who doesn’t take the time to figure out what you’re hoping to get from their work.


Choose a Software Programmer with Lots of Patience

In a lot of ways, designing and programming a custom software package is a lot like writing a book. You can begin from an outline, but they’re going to be revisions, additions, and even major plot changes along the way. You’ll find pieces of code are missing, need to be amended, or aren’t compatible with one another.

This is to say that good software programming takes a bit of patience. You have to be able to be calm and work through the little issues that are going to come up as you write line after line and then test your work. You also have to be able to step back and assess things when clients realize that what they asked for isn't exactly the same as what they wanted.

If you choose a software programming team that isn’t patient, you are going to end up with an app that feels rushed. That might get you to a finished program quicker, but over time you’ll have to deal with more errors and patches that hurt your profitability.


Your Software Development Partner Should Emphasize Reliability

There are software programming firms out there that specialize in giving clients more glitz than substance. That is, they build programs that look great, with interesting design features and animations, but don’t necessarily work as well as they should once they’re put to use.

In some cases, that can mean a lack of functionality. The resulting software just doesn’t have as many tools or features as the client originally intended, or those features aren’t as deep (in terms of reporting, etc.). In other cases, speed and reliability can be compromised. The app might run perfectly in a test setting, but crash repeatedly when it’s used on a different workstation or website.

When it comes to creating software, reliability is the name of the game. Refuse to work with any programming team that prioritizes speed or budget above long-term value.


Examine a Software Programmer’s Portfolio and Case Studies

Even if you know what you’re looking for in a software programmer, it’s not necessarily easy to find it. That’s because some people will tell you virtually anything in order to close the sale. You might have to do a little bit of research to get to the truth, or to verify that what you’re hearing is accurate.

This is where a custom software development company’s portfolio and case study examples come into play. You want to have the chance to take a good long look at their previous work, and to evaluate the statements past clients have made. What you’re looking for isn’t just positive feedback, but a sense that business owners and executives who have hired them the past are emphasizing experience, patience, etc., in their praise.

No one knows your software programmer like the people who have already hired them the past. Take the time to read what they have to say before making your decision.


Pay Attention to Your Developer’s Budget and Scheduling Terms

Before you sign the bottom line, it’s worth looking through the budget and terms proposed by your creative partner. What are they promising you in terms of delivery? What about additional costs for edits or revisions? How do the cancellation terms look?

Pay attention to each line item and don’t assume that the price you're quoted will always be the final cost. Some software companies make their money off of add-on fees, or aren’t great about meeting deadlines. You don’t want to get caught in a situation where you’re tied to a company that won’t deliver and you can’t get away.

A reputable programming partner is going to be confident enough in their work to offer you terms that are fair but friendly. If you get the sense that you’re being locked into something you might regret later, ask a few questions before finalizing the deal.


You Can Hire the Best Without Breaking the Bank

All things considered, it probably won’t come as a major surprise that the best software programmers aren’t usually the cheapest. Experience, technical skill, and business know-how tend to come with a cost.

With that being said, however, you can definitely work with the best in the business without breaking your IT budget. In fact, many of our clients actually save money on custom software programming because they don’t have to pay for delays, deal with unexpected errors, or suffer losses from apps that don’t do with they are supposed to. Quality always wins out in the end, especially in our industry.

So, if you want to work with the most trusted software programming team in Arizona, contact the experts at Kinetik IT. We’ll be happy to give you a free, no-obligation consultation to hear about your project. Then, we’ll show you just how easy it is to turn your idea into a finished product your clients, customers, or employees can use.

Your Advanced Guide to Mobile App Development

Are you thinking of developing a mobile app for your business?

Perhaps you have a great idea for a tool that can be sold as a stand-alone solution. Or, you might be thinking (like so many other business owners and executives) that a mobile app could be a good companion for your website. Perhaps you want to encourage e-commerce transactions by letting buyers make purchases from you directly without having to log in to your website. You might even want several of these benefits.

Whatever the specific reason, mobile app development is more popular than ever before. But, while more businesses are building apps and more creative teams are providing them, it’s easy to make costly mistakes or overlook details that can make or break the finished product.

With that in mind, today we want to give you a step-by-step look at what’s needed to create and release something your customers can use on their phones and tablets. Let’s dig into our advanced guide to mobile app development…


The First Step Towards Creating a Mobile App is Coming Up With a Winning Concept

What will your app do? This is an important question, and one that speaks to both function and profitability. You should know what you want your app to accomplish for users or customers, but also how it can contribute to your company or bottom line.

Coming up with an idea for an app isn’t necessarily difficult, but refining it to the point that it’s workable, unique, and marketable can be a challenge. Believe it or not, this is an area where an experienced creative team can be a huge help. While you might think of mobile app development as revolving around design and programming, brainstorming and finding answers before work begins is just as important.


You’ll Have to Decide Which Features Are Going to Go Into Your Mobile App

Even after you have a sense of the purpose of your app, and how you will fit it into your business, you’ll have to develop a list of features. Again, this is an area where enthusiasm can come into direct conflict with reality. Budgets, timing, and available technology can all be real constraints when you’re trying to decide which features will make it into your mobile app development project.

Keep in mind that not everything on your mobile app wish list has to be incorporated right away. Some features can be added post-launch, or following testing and reviews by real-world users. This can be a good solution, particularly if you want to generate revenue from your app before devoting too much to its development.


Mobile App Design Helps You Find the Right Look and Feel

When you know what your mobile app development project is all about, and which features you'll need in the initial launch, your creative team can go about designing the interface. This is all about aesthetics and usability, so it should fit your existing branding and make the app feel like a pleasure (rather than a chore) to actually open and interact with.

This also tends to be a part of the process where owners and executives are most involved. Don’t be afraid to let your designers know how you want your mobile app to look and feel so they can draw layouts to meet your preferences. People will notice the look of your app, so the way you package the underlying features matters.


Next, a Programming Team Has to Code Your Mobile App Into a Workable Piece of Software

After you have a set of working layouts for the different screens and prompts on your mobile app, coders will get to work behind the scenes to add all the features and functions you specify. In some cases, this could mean pulling from existing software; in other situations, they may have to work from scratch.

This is often the longest part of the process, and the point where clients are least involved. What’s important is that your development team knows exactly what you want to accomplish and has the skills to deliver it. If so, they should be able to deliver a working version of your app on time and within the budget range quoted.


Testing Your Mobile App Is Critical for Its Stability and Usability

Many business people tend to think that after an app is and programmed it can be launched immediately. However, there are still a couple of steps that need to be taken before it’s ready to go out to the public.

The first is a round of rigorous testing that ensures your app is usable, stable, and adaptable. In other words, it should work exactly the way it’s supposed to, and for a variety of users who might have their own distinct hardware and software. For instance, it’s likely that some of your customers will have iPhones, while others prefer Galaxy or Android. Additionally, they might be using different versions of the underlying operating systems. Testing lets you ensure your app will load, display, and function correctly in each of these environments without crashing.


Every Mobile App Development Team Should Prioritize Security

The other part of testing you should pay particular attention to has to do with online security. You don’t want to roll out an otherwise perfect app and then find out it has flaws that can be exploited by hackers, or that can leave sensitive information exposed.

In this day and age, the security of your mobile web app is almost as important as its functionality. Users want to know their information is safe and protected, particularly if they will be sharing email addresses, financial data, or other sensitive information through your software.


The Rollout and Launch of Your Mobile App Are Important to Profitability

You could simply put your mobile app online and hope buyers will find it and download it, but that’s not a good strategy if you want to make the most of your investment. A better idea is to treat the launch of your mobile app like you would the rollout of a new website or marketing strategy. Don’t just promote it heavily, but plan ahead to ensure your most important customers and prospects will hear about it multiple times.

A successful mobile app launch might include website announcements, social media ads, email newsletter updates, and press releases. You might also want industry thought leaders to review your app, or to get reviews from actual users. All of these can help you ensure you get attention from your market quickly after it launches, so your app can gain those all-important early users, who will in turn help share it with others in their personal and professional lives.


You Can Keep Improving Your Mobile App With Updates and Compatibility Checks

Even after you launch your app and see it being used by customers, your work isn’t done. You should keep improving your mobile app over time. Some of your updates might be driven by necessity (changes to operating systems and so on), or to fix bugs that are discovered by customers. In other cases, customers may ask you for features you didn’t originally think of.

However you go about it, remember that the best apps usually improve and develop over time. You don’t have to spend a lot of time and money on your app to keep it fresh, but you shouldn’t simply think of it as a finished product immediately after launch, either. Maximize your long-term ROI, and keep users engaged, by continually looking for ways to make your software better. Don’t worry – your creative team can help you manage this process.


Ready to Bring Your Mobile App Idea to Life?

If you’re tired of wondering what your business could do with a mobile app, or letting your idea pass you by, then why not take the first step towards bringing the concept to reality? When you have a strong creative team on your side, developing and promoting a mobile app is a lot easier and more affordable than most people tend to think.

The experienced team at Kinetik IT can help you bring your mobile app concept into focus, and then turn your idea into something customers can start using right away. We have helped dozens of businesses across Phoenix make the most of the internet, and you’ll be amazed at what we can do for your company, too.

Contact us today to setup a free consultation and see how we can help!

More Users Are Going Native

Americans spend more time looking at mobile apps than they do watching TV reads a headline from Tech Crunch.  When watching TV accounts for 50% of leisure time in the US, that stacks up to A LOT of mobile viewing. The demand for mobile engagement has grown so rapidly that 90% of mobile apps have appeared in the last three years as the leading digital platform according to a research whitepaper on The 2016 Mobile App Report. Paying attention to these numbers are important, not only for us as a web tech service company, but also for you as a business owner. 

Let’s say you’ve upgraded your company site from a static boring brochure to a responsive design that looks and functions well on a tablet and a phone; you’ve done the first major step in engaging modern technology. (BTW, if your site isn’t mobile friendly by now, then you are alienating your customers and losing business!  Let us know and we’ll fix that for you. )  If your developer did a good job, you will see a boost in page rank, visitors, and maybe even conversions. What if you could increase your brand loyalty and engagement level by 27%?  


Mobile or native apps are not to be confused with web apps. The conversion of your static site to a responsive design so that it looks good on smaller devices is a web app.  It usually includes some coding to show specific information that your users want to see immediately by getting rid of the fluff.  A native app takes your web app to the next level by giving your users distilled information they want within seconds.  For instance, your app can encourage repeat customers by putting them on a waiting list for a haircut or to pick up a takeout order.  You could have push messages that send a text to your customer’s phone letting them know their dry cleaning is ready.  You could deliver coupons and accelerate customer service contact to your company that customers will surely appreciate.  Your branded mobile app becomes a complement to your responsive website and brings your business brand into the light with major economic dividends.

A native app doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive, but it does have to make sense for your user’s needs. Kinetik I.T. has been developing software solutions for clients of all sizes in a wide range of industries.  Native / mobile apps are just part of what we do.

Is Your Non Mobile-Friendly Website Invisible to Google?

As you have (hopefully) heard by now, Google announced a new algorithm update which, beginning April 21, factors mobile compatibility heavily into search results. In other words, websites that are optimized for viewing on smartphones and tablets will now outrank similar non-mobile-friendly websites, all things being equal.

What’s interesting about this change to Google strategy is that, unlike past algorithm updates, it was announced and outlined well ahead of time. Instead of dropping hints, Google’s engineers told us exactly what was going to happen… and yet, there are countless businesses still trying to figure out what happened to their search traffic.

 What are the short- and long-term consequences of Google’s new mobile-friendly preference? And more importantly, does it mean your non-mobile-friendly website is now invisible to the world’s largest search engine?

Let’s take a look at a few of the things you need to know:


Google Made This Change for a Good Reason

 Although some business owners and marketers will undoubtedly react as if Google is targeting them individually, the fact of the matter is it’s just good business from the search engine’s point of view. With 64% of adults in the US owning smartphones, mobile web users are now in the majority; they want search results that show cleanly and correctly on smartphones and tablets. By updating its search algorithms, Google is just giving its audience what it wants.

With that in mind, there isn’t any reason to think they’ll backtrack on their new mobile-compatible stance. In fact, you should probably prepare for just the opposite…


Expect More Focus on Mobile in the Future

Google states that 94% of people with smart phones use their phones for local search and 77% of local searches happen at home and work, even with a desktop computer available.  That means that the standard, non-responsive websites are going to become increasingly rare as time goes on, and web users are going to take mobile compatibility as a given.

Think about that for a moment, and you come to an inescapable conclusion…

Websites That Aren’t Mobile-Friendly Are Falling Behind

Take the mobile-friendly test here and then give Kinetik IT a call. We'll make sure your website doesn't fall behind.

Three Reasons to Create a Mobile Site Now

Statistics clearly state the case: nearly 100 million people use the mobile web daily, and smartphones are outselling PCs faster than ever. Transitioning to include your business site on the mobile web is a must.

So, how does your current website look on a mobile browser? If it’s not designed with optimized mobile settings, the aesthetic may not carry over well to a smaller, handheld device. Aside from a poor user experience, a sub-par mobile site can compromise the look, feel, and content of your company’s website, negating the time and money invested in developing thoughtful messaging and concise branding.

The simple fact is that, due to the limited amount of space and generally slower connection speeds, a mobile design needs to be both more simply designed and more task-based than the standard companion website.  Here are a few reasons to consider this shift to a mobile-optimized site – sooner rather than later:

  1. Appearance: Your site’s design probably does not look as good as you think it does. Mobile web emulators abound online, offering an easy way to view your site across devices. Type in your URL for a glimpse at what potential customers see – does it offer the user experience you’d like customers to have? If not, it’s time to develop a mobile site.
  2. Lagging behind: Chances are, your competitors already have a mobile site. Even if they were not early adopters, the biggest companies in every industry have a mobile site, and it’s a sure bet that your competitors are in that mix.
  3. Increased traffic: Mobile sites mean better SEO. Google is bent on ensuring searchers have the best possible experience, and while no one is saying exactly what that entails, it’s certain that mobile sites for mobile users factor in somewhere, so capturing those who are looking may mean you have to go mobile.

You need only look around – to see the multitudes using phones to read, shop, and research – to understand how necessary a mobile website is for today’s business. Kinetik IT has been offering Phoenix businesses web and I.T. solutions, including mobile sites, that will enhance profitability for years to come. To learn more about services and products, visit or follow Kinetik on Facebook, LinkedInor Twitter.