Few things are as aggravating to a business owner as seeing
a computer crash in the middle of a busy workday. It’s the office equivalent of
being stranded by the side of the road in your car. You might not know what the
problem is, much less what you should do or who you should call.
As trusted experts in the field of business technology, we
help our clients to deal with these kinds of situations every week. Today, we
want to pass on four good pieces of advice you can use if your laptop, desktop,
or workstation suddenly stops working the way it is supposed to…
#1 Don’t Panic or Do
Anything Drastic
It’s natural to be filled with a sense of dread when your
computer locks up. That’s especially true if you are in the middle of working
on something important, irreplaceable, or time-sensitive.
Still, the most important thing is to stay calm. Chances
are, your IT partner can get your computer working again, or at the very least
retrieve your data. However, by taking drastic steps – like restarting your
computer several times or opening up the case – you run the risk of causing
permanent damage and making things worse.
#2 Make a Few Notes
About the Situation
In most cases, a crashing computer will offer clues about
why it isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. By making note of these you can
expedite the process of getting back to work later.
Pay attention to any error messages you see. Note which
pieces of software were running when the computer crashed, how long the device
had been on, and even whether there were other events (like a power surge, for
example) that occurred just before the crash. These can help you diagnose the
problem and get things working again more quickly.
#3 Avoid Looking for
Quick Solutions
Sometimes, business owners will do everything they can to
avoid calling an IT vendor to deal with a computer crash. So, they’ll download
diagnostic software, install new parts, or take other quick-fix steps to solve
the issue alone.
These solutions might pay off once in a while, but it’s more
likely that they’ll exasperate the problem while leading to wasted time and
money. Your computers are important business assets filled with valuable (and
potentially sensitive) data. It’s not worth it to mess with solutions that
won’t give you any real help.
#4 Call the Small
Business IT Experts
Given how easy it can be to destroy valuable pieces of
business equipment, the best thing you can do for a crashing computer is call
someone who has the right training and experience to fix it. They can help you
get online faster and won't invalidate your warrantees by looking for solutions
that are fast but unproven.
Even better, the right IT partner can help you prevent
future crashes and freezes by permanently solving the problem and
troubleshooting for other issues. Then, you won’t have to worry about dealing
with these kinds of situations again in the future.
Want Better Care for
Your Business Technology?
At Kinetik IT, we have spent more than a decade building a
reputation as Arizona’s most trusted small business technology support team. If
you want a group of committed professionals who are known for fast service and
straightforward answers on your side, contact us today so we can schedule a
free consultation and review your IT needs.