It used to be that the recipe for high search engine
visibility was a simple one: have lots of keyword-rich content on your website
and develop tons of inbound links.
Over the past few years and Google algorithm changes, those
rules have changed a little bit. Content is still important, but your approach
to sprinkling in search terms has to be more nuanced. And, Google is a lot more
discriminating about which links it will count when considering the authority
of your domain.
However, while some SEO consultants and business owners have
taken this to mean that links don’t matter anymore, that’s not the right
conclusion. In fact, links are more important to domain authority than ever
before; you just have to have the right
ones pointed at your website.
For that reason, today we're going to share five simple
link-building tricks you can use to make your content stand out on Google and
the other search engines…
#1 Create
Link-Friendly Pages and Posts
The best way to generate links to your website is by posting
fresh content that appeals to your target audience. Don’t just settle for
putting articles on your blog, though. Make sure they have short titles,
sustained page previews, and images that are easy to share.
Follow these rules and you'll make it much more likely that
your readers will decide to link to your content from their own blogs and
social media profiles.
#2 Promote New
Content Releases
You can’t have links until you have visitors to your
website. So, as you add fresh pieces of content – and particularly blog
articles like this one containing industry news and insights – be sure to
promote them. Post about them on your social media accounts and in your email
newsletter. Consider adding buttons that generate instant inbound links.
The more viewership you get, and the more convenient it is
for people to link to your content, the bigger online footprint you’ll generate
with every update.
#3 Expand Your Reach with
Guest Posts
Guest posting, which involves writing articles for someone
else’s website or publication, has fallen out of favor in recent years. That’s
because Google doesn’t treat links from low-quality forums with as much weight
as they used to.
However, if you can place a post on a well-known site with a
high Google page rank, the resulting back link is going to have quite a bit of
SEO value. Additionally, it could help you drive more traffic to your website
if readers like your ideas.
#4 Generate Media
One of the simplest ways to get high-quality back links to
your website is to get attention from the media. In particular, local news
outlets and industry publications might be open to reporting on a new product,
promotion, or special event you want to talk about.
You can earn this type of visibility by sending out press
releases, or just by contacting editors who cover businesses like yours.
#5 Build
Corroborating References for Google
Google uses multiple sources of information to determine
things like a company’s location and reputation. So, by creating and
maintaining accurate profiles with local business directories and industry
guides you can give search engine users the information they need to find you
online and decide to work with you.
Our firm can help you use automated software to establish
and maintain these profiles and just a few minutes. That’s a small effort with
a big payoff.
Want More Help With
SEO and Online Marketing?
At Kinetik IT, we don’t just help businesses across Arizona
to manage their technology – we can help you get the most from your website,
too. Contact us today to set up an audit of your pages so we can see what
Google does and make recommendations that will bring you more customers!