If you’re going to pay for custom software development, it
only makes sense that you’ll want to hire the best programmer around. That way,
you won’t just get a tool that helps you manage important business tasks, but
also a platform that’s stable and easy to use.
Because most business owners and executives don’t understand
a lot about the art and craft of programming new apps, they fall for marketing
hype and half-truths – or worse, simply hire the lowest-cost software developer
they can find. Then, when they are underwhelmed by the results they are forced
to abandon the project, live with something that isn’t quite what they wanted,
or start their search over again from scratch.
We don’t want you to have to do any of those things. So
today, we are going to give you some top tips you can use to find a
mind-blowing software developer for your project. Here are some things you’ll
want to do as you meet with different candidates…
Pay Attention to the
Questions They Ask
A great software developer knows that the client is the
centerpiece of any project. They will ask a lot of open-ended questions because
they will want to understand the challenges you’re facing and the outcomes you
want to achieve. They will know from experience that almost anything can be
created with the right understanding, but that a project is only successful
when you receive the perfect solution.
Look for Passion
While it isn’t something that business people necessarily
understand or expect, programming software is as much a creative art as it is a
science. It’s something akin to writing a play where all the pieces and parts
need to mesh together. That’s why the very best in our field are passionate
about finding simple, creative, and elegant coding solutions wherever possible.
Try Some of Their
You wouldn’t hire a caterer without trying their food, would
you? Apply the same kind of thinking to custom software development. If you
need a person or team to create an application for you, test drive their work
by using another app they have already created. Does it seem fast, easy to use,
and full of features? If so, that’s a good sign they’ll deliver something
you’re going to like as well.
Talk to Former
It’s unfortunate, but some software developers are perfectly
happy to tell you one thing and then do another. That’s why you should always
speak to former clients to see what their impressions were like. They can tell
you not only about the quality of the software that was delivered, but also
whether the vendor was clear with their pricing and able to hit important
Get It All in Writing
A reliable software developer is going to be happy to put
their promises and assurances in writing because they don’t have anything to
hide. So, look over the proposals received very carefully. If what you see is
clear and straightforward than you’re probably working with a reputable
Need New Software for
Your Business?
If you need a custom application or plug-in to make your
business run more smoothly, now is the perfect time to talk to the software
development experts at Kinetik IT in Phoenix. Let us show you how we can put
our skills and experience to work for you!